Suppy Spotlight: Featuring Jojo Maisie

Welcome to our second installment of Suppy Spotlight. Here we feature athletes and fitness leaders from across Canada and learn about their diet, their routines, and all of the things that make them tick. This week's guest is Toronto-based coach and lover of all things fitness, Jojo Maisie.
Who is Jojo Maisie?
Jojo Maisie is the real deal. After getting seriously into fitness over 5 years ago, she’s now seriously fit. She leads by example and helps people learn how they can live a healthier lifestyle, and enjoy the process. She’s a Pilates instructor, a Barre instructor, a pre and post-natal fitness specialist, and #TeamFaster Puma ambassador. Through her On The Go w/ JOJO program, she offers 1-on-1 coaching, group training, and awesome workout videos to help you stay fit, anywhere in the world.
What makes Jojo go-go? What motivates you to stay fit?
I love feeling strong, powerful, and confident in my own skin. When I workout, eat well and help others do the same, I accomplish great things!
What does your weekly fitness routine look like?
I typically train 4 days a week. Usually, I stick to 2 strength training sessions, one barre workout, and one Pilates reformer workout!
What’s your go-to healthy meal?
A big, beautiful salad that I can eat on the go! I love changing up my salads, trying new combos, and adding different ingredients to spice things up (sometimes literally)! Always remember to include some form of protein, otherwise, you’ll be hungry again in 20 minutes. My favourite add-ins are hot banana peppers, sundried tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and pickled beets.
Toronto, ON
As someone who loves to travel, how do you stay on track when you’re out of town?
If I’m travelling for work, I try to bring my supplements, a few protein bars, and some resistance bands along with me. With my program, you can get a workout in anywhere, anytime, so it’s not hard to stay consistent. But, if I’m travelling for vacation, I’m a big believer in taking time off. I enjoy mojitos, I lay on the beach, and I may not workout all week. Rest, recovery, and relaxation are key!
What advice would you give to women who are hesitant to get into lifting weights?
Get a coach or at least follow a program designed by a fitness professional. Try some workouts with dumbbells before moving on to machines. It can be intimidating if you don’t know how to work the machines. Get comfortable lifting weights first, and progress from there!
What’s next? What are your aspirations for the future?
Ahh, where do I even start? I am so passionate about sharing my workouts, recipes, and tips for living a healthy on-the-go lifestyle, and I want to make it accessible for as many women as possible. So, I’d like to present the On The Go w/ JOJO e-book! With anywhere, anytime workouts, recipes, meal plans, and on-the-go tips & tricks, it’s going to have it all! Follow me @itsjojomaisie to stay in the loop for a release date.
Lightning Round (Yay or Nay)
So typically, we like to keep our lightning round short and sweet, but Jojo felt like she needed to add just a bit more colour in some places. We were happy to play along. Here she tells us just how she feels about each of the following.
Counting Calories: Nope
The Keto Diet: Nope
Cheat Days: Technically yes, but I don’t call them ‘cheat days’, I like to call them ‘20% meals’ because cheating insinuates something bad. If you workout on the regular and eat well 80% of the time, then having a slice of za and a glass of wine is not bad at all, in fact, it is DELICIOUS!
Treadmills: Yay! But only for a quick HIIT cardio. I’m not a fan of steady state cardio.
Meditation: THIS IS HARD! I want to say YAY but I’d be lying if I said that I meditate on a regular basis. Unfortunately, I haven’t made it a priority in my life. I’m such a busy body (I think its ‘cause I grew up dancing, moving & shaking) and I find it so hard to be still. But I am working on it!
Connect with Jojo
You can follow Jojo Masie on Instagram @itsjojomaisie or check out On The Go w/ JOJO for her awesome 1-on-1 training, recipes, and workout videos. And don’t forget to keep an eye out for her new e-Book, I know we’ll be picking up a copy.